Sunday, July 11, 2010

Translating English into Fijian Part 1

Many English words can be translated into Fijian. Even though Fiji itselfs national language is English but learning a few Fijian words would surprise the 'i-taukei' or native fijians. Remember that pronounciation has to be clear and some fijian words can mean more then one thing! So be careful when to use it and how to use it.
Lets begin:) The pronounciation is in brakets.

I am from - Ko yau mai (Co/Yah-U/Mài)
New Zealand - Niusiladi (New/See/Lah/Dee)
Australia - Ausiterelia (Ou-Say/Ter/Reh/Lee-yah)
America - Mereke (Meh/Ray/Cay)
England - Igiladi (E/Ngi/Lah-Dee)
Germany - Jamani (Jar/My/Knee)
Japan - Japani (Jar/Pie/Knee)
Today - Nikua (Knee/Coo/Wah)
Bus - Basi (Bar/See)
Toilet/Washroom - Vale lailai (Vah/Lay-Lie-Lie)
Restaurant - Vale ni kana (Vah/Lay/Knee/Car/Nah)
Sun - Siga (See/Nga)
Moon - Vula (Voo/Lah)
Police - Ovisa (Oh/Vee/Sar)
Theif - Dau Butako (Dar-u/Buh/Tar/Co)
Smile - Dredre (Drey-Drey) - Y is silent!
Rain - uca (U/The)
Play - Qito (Ngqe/Toh)
Man - Turaga (Too/Rah/Nga)
Women - Marama (Mah/Rah/Mah)
House - Vale (Vah/Lay)
Food - Kakana (Car/Car/Nah)
Come here - lako mai ike (Lah/Co-my/e-cay)
Night club - Vale ni danisi (Vah/Lay-knee/Dah/Knee/See)
Hospital - Valenibula (Vah/Lay/Knee/Boo/Lah)
Car - motoka (motor/car)
Beach - matasawa (Mah/Tar/Sar/Wah)

Please look at the pronounciation first before saying the word to avoid confusion. Remeber if you say it different then it could lead to another meaning. Because many of the fijian vocabs of the same word may mean 2 or more different things depending on the sentence.

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